Monday, December 19, 2022

December 19, 2022 - Lebanon, Tennessee

December 19th 2022

Hello everyone! I hope you are all doing well. It's Christmas season! The holidays are amazing as a missionary! I'm glad I have the opportunity to celebrate these holidays with the great people here. I'm also happy to finally be able to wear my red and green tie. It's a great tie and it has already earned a good amount of compliments already. So pretty happy about that.

Cool story: we had a door approach with this guy who had a really cool old looking car. He opened the door and immediately we saw one of the greatest mustaches ever. He had a navy blue beanie on, with a gray hoodie and sweat pants. And he had a short but qualified length for his grey beard and then coming out from right below his nose was probably a good foot and a half of mustache flowing down on each side. He is a tour bus driver for different bands. He named a bunch of people that are famous but I don't know music very well so I don't remember very many. I do remember that he drove the band Kiss around for a tour of theirs once. Cool guy. Door approaches can be really interesting, I love them.

We had a baptism on Saturday for one of our friends! His whole family showed up and it was amazing! He is 11 years old and has come to this decision completely on his own. It was a unique (and a little hectic) service but he got baptized! He then was confirmed on Sunday and we were really happy for him. Anytime anyone that we serve makes any step along the gospel of Jesus Christ, whether it be gaining faith, repenting, being baptized, receiving the holy ghost, or enduring to the end, it makes me really really happy. Because it makes them and their family happy too!

We were at a members house for dinner last night and we were talking about inviting others to come and see Christ as He is. We talked about how in the Christmas story, there are multiple ways that people were invited to come and see Christ. God told some people using a star, and others using an angel. An invitation for others to come and see can come in many ways. Try to find your best way to invite others to come and see the light of Christ this Christmas!

Have a great Christmas and thank you for all the prayers! I am praying for you all as well!

Elder McConkie

Mom sent PHƠ! LETS GO!

Andrew and his family on Sunday. He
was baptized by a member from the 1st ward.

Farm view of a place we went to knock

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